Gene's Dream Foundation Charter
What is the ‘end state’?
Establish a sustainable junior golf program based upon a successful youth development program, golf, and the spirit/culture of mentoring youth. Horry, Brunswick and Georgetown counties. (Sustainability meaning financial and community support from leaders and volunteers, and continued growth of youth players and youth character development)
How are we going to accomplish the end state?
Establish events, specifically a substantial ‘return on investment’ concert and golf tournament with high profile entertainers, PGA members, and members of the community, that reinforce the benefits of mentorship and youth character building, and increased enjoyment/participation in the game of golf.

What is our daily goal?
Work towards a vibrant sustainable foundation benefiting youth golf and character development in the Grand Strand and Brunswick County NC second to none and befitting the region known as the ‘Capital of Golf’.
What will we do and why?
- We will make Gene’s and his predecessors vision a reality, by raising money and resources to drive The Gene’s Dream Foundation (Machine)
- We will take the reins from Gene and continue the march to achieving Gene’s Dream. We will generate the necessary funding, primarily but not exclusively, through a concert and golf tournament
- We will engage the PGA, great entertainers, and community leaders, to become involved with Gene’s Dream for the youth of the Grand Strand, build local, national, and global awareness for the Myrtle Beach area and local TFT affiliates
- Our ‘core leaders’ will be Wil Weldon (Chairman), Kelly Tilghman, Charlie Rymer, TJ O’Brien, Chris Cooper, and Mike Bucerrone; The events will be supported by family and friends of Gene, the Grand Strand and the Brunswick County golf community, and passionate volunteers
- We as a team will communicate and plan effectively, with a high degree urgency, together a deep respect for the ‘Spirit of Gene’s Dream’
- Whatever the GDF does or develops will be shared with other organizations in the hope that there are many other PGA Professionals who share Gene’s Dream.
‘It’s all about the Kids’
- “Golf is where kids of all ages develop lifelong values all the time”
- Mentors make the difference in life and golf
What do we do first and always?
- Establish a 501 (c) (3) board of directors made up Wil Weldon, Geri Weldon, Kelly Tilghman, Charlie Rymer, Joe White, and 5 more community leaders
- The Board will function to develop and coordinate leader teams necessary to achieve the Intent and work toward Gene’s Vision
- Always be recruiting Friends of the Board and volunteers for Gene’s Dream
- Communicate frequently with value.